1. ABSTRACT. DUE: June 9, 2008, 3pm, NO EXCEPTIONS. 10 pts deducted for each day late.
- MUST contain:
- Clear, proofed, polished prose
- Creative title
- Topic statement
- Thesis (claims, position taken, main argument)
- Supporting theories to be used (selected DIRECTLY from assigned readings)
- 3 preliminary references to support your project (selected DIRECTLY from assigned readings, films, or other assigned media)
- Note!: You must be prepared to discuss your project PRIOR TO the final delivery date. Each student is responsible for presenting a polished DRAFT of their project on the assigned dates. I will provide a sign up sheet.
- MUST contain:
- 4 specific visual components to balance, anchor, define, and contour word-based narratives/arguments
- 7 academic sources/ and ... no more than 3 non-academic web sources
- MLA, APA, Chicago Turabian Style
- ONE OUTSIDE REVIEW OF YOUR 'DRAFT', (POSTED TO YOUR BLOG), AVAILABLE TO READ BY ME, PRIOR TO TURNING IN YOUR PROJECT . THIS REVIEWER MUST BE A QUALIFIED PERSON TO REVIEW THE COMPETENCY OF YOUR WORK, (MENTOR, PROFESSOR, T.A., Writing Center Staff person, ETC.) This person must be properly identified by their name, professional title, and contact information (email).
- Creative title
- Clean, polished, proofed prose
- Analytical organization
- Clearly identified theoretical and community-based methodological supports
- Clear topic statement and thesis
- Specific claims, arguments and positions taken
- Evidence of self-reflection
- Evidence of application re: key theories of race, class, gender and sexuality assigned through readings
- Serious application of key definitions of systems of power, oppression, dominance, colonization, genocide, and resistance
- Posted to Blog: (If student wishes to post power-point, she/he may use "Academic Keys" website for temporary storage.)